I'm so proud of our students. They made possible what at times they thought was impossible. With some hard work - focused attention - perseverance, they completed the task and excelled. The GES Social Studies Fair was a success and the panel of judges revealed these results:
1st place
- World History - Indigo Graves
- Sociology - Mason Jones
- US History - Ian Lowthorp
- Economics - Ian Burford
- Anthropology - Maxine Casto
- Geography - Aiden Bebee
1st place
- World History - Casey Blair, Julia Troyer, Mary Johnson
2nd place
- Economics - Cody Wood
- US History - Jordan Wood
3rd place
- World History - Baylor Wooton
- US History - Jada Church
The 1st place winners are invited to move on to the county competition which will be held next Saturday, March 9 at Western Greenbrier Middle School. Students will set up their displays between 9-10am with the judging taking place from 10-12. Judges are needed for this event. I judged last year and it was an interesting and worthwhile experience. Please consider giving back to out community by volunteering to be a judge.
This week we'll learn about Andrew Jackson, his influence as the President, and his Indian Removal policy. We'll explore fossils and mass extinctions. We'll continue to wrap our heads around independent and dependent clauses, and we'll begin the first steps of persuasive writing.
The classroom is always open to visitors and participants. Please plan to take some time out of your day and spend it with us.
Mrs. J
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