We'll have a shortened week due to the septic mishap. Thankfully, all will be in working order and sanitized by Tuesday. Remind your students to finish up any outstanding assignments and come to school Tuesday prepared for their spelling and geography tests.
This week we'll discuss the Trail of Tears, complete outlines for persuasive essays, and explore fossil records. Friday morning we'll visit Lewisburg's City Hall and experience a poignant exhibit about the Civil Rights Movement in our local community. Then we'll go to the North House and learn about the Civil War. We are so fortunate to have such a rich history right in our own backyards.
The end of the school year is sneaking up and with it our Williamsburg/Jamestown/Busch Garden field trip. We also have some fundraising that needs to get done and so... please come to a meeting this Wednesday from 3:30-4:00. This meeting is important and so is mandatory. We will be covering the details of the trip, signing permission forms, and planning for the taco lunch and yard sale fundraisers. Mark it on your calendar.
Field Trip/fundraiser meeting - Wednesday, 3/13 3:30-4:00, Galaxy Room, Parents and students

Mrs. J
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