1. Wednesday, October 31 Halloween! Students, start thinking about your awesome costume. Parents, plan to contribute candy or other healthier small treats to the trunk or treat party that afternoon.
2. Thursday, November 1. We'll start school at 9:00 a.m. to allow recovery time for kids and parents.
3. Friday, November 2. Day trip to Monticello. I still need drivers.
We're almost two-thirds the way through the first trimester! As we approach week 8, I'm pretty sure that the students are appreciating some aspects of the classroom.
- The classroom provides time for play and also time to study. By utilizing these times wisely, they are able to get their schoolwork finished on time and do it well.
- Mrs. Troyer and I are available to everyone who wants individualized help. We want the students to learn to work independently and ask for help when they feel that they need it.
- In order to learn the material and perform well on a test, they need to study and use the given study guide. * We will continue to help the students learn time management and study skills.
- Mrs. Troyer and I are doing our best to plan lessons that are engaging and differentiated. We want to know if students are struggling or not being challenged.
- Writing instruction spans the curriculum. In all subjects, students are expected to write in complete sentences, vary their sentence structures, attempt to use proper grammar and punctuation, think about word choice, and try to spell correctly (even if that means referring to a dictionary).
- Google Classroom is their friend. All assignments are posted there.
* Some of the students were unhappy about their performance on Friday's science and geography tests. They were given a study guide last week that listed absolutely everything that they needed to know and where to find the material. So... study skills are lacking. Please encourage your student and help him/her understand that skills are learned over time and to keep plugging away. I will allow students that scored below 80% (3- proficient, meets standards) to correct their answers. These corrections need to be turned in Wednesday and additional credit will be given.
The point of studying new concepts and ideas, completing assignments well and on time, practicing various writing techniques and styles, and participating in class discussions is to learn the material and refine communication skills.The point of a giving a test is to help students learn how to prepare for and how to take a test. All these skills aid in building a well-educated, well-rounded person.
The students will begin publishing their writings. They already have several ways to publish, but I've created two new places. They can publish on this blogspot. GES Galaxy - Going Public or on this FB page. GES Galaxy Publications. Both of these venues are hosted by me and the students' names will not be included. Please check these spots later in the week.
The students will begin publishing their writings. They already have several ways to publish, but I've created two new places. They can publish on this blogspot. GES Galaxy - Going Public or on this FB page. GES Galaxy Publications. Both of these venues are hosted by me and the students' names will not be included. Please check these spots later in the week.
Finally, I want to remind you that there is an Annual Fund Drive contest going on. All families are asked to give a monetary contribution to the fund. This can be anywhere from $1 to $1,000,000. When all classes reach 85% participation, the school will have an ice cream party and when the classes reach 100% participation, we'll have a pizza party.
School uniforms: $XXX.xx
GES tuition: $XXXX.xx
Love of learning: PRICELESS
Mrs. J
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